
Essay on Euthanasia in Australia

Decent Essays

Although euthanasia is a complex and controversial subject, under certain conditions people should have the right to decide to end their own lives. Is euthanasia murder or mercy? We need to understand what Mercy, Murder and Euthanasia are before we can form any opinion.

(Oxford dictionary) Mercy / (say mersee)
Compassionate or kindly forbearance shown towards: an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence.
Murder / (say merduh)
Unlawful killing of a human being by an act done: with intention to kill or to inflict grievous bodily harm. To kill or slaughter, inhumanly or barbarously.
Euthanasia is such a controversial word that it creates many discussions and even arguments. This has gone …show more content…

These are the different terms used for Euthanasia but they are not just black and white, there are many differing shades of gray that fall between these lines. So this leaves the question; is Euthanasia Murder or Mercy?
Is it right to be able to chose to end one’s life? So many questions keep coming up. There are many different views on the euthanasia debate and then there is no clear line on where the difference between murder and mercy.

Taking a closer look into euthanasia around the world, we find Australia was the one country to lead the cause for legalized euthanasia. The Australian Northern Territory was the first place worldwide to conduct legal Euthanasia. The first case was Mr. Bob Dent, who would be the first man to die under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995. Mr. Dent died on Sunday September 22, 1996.
This Act was short lived and was overturned by the Andrews Bill (Kevin Andrews was a Victorian Liberal backbencher) on March 24th and 25th, 1997. The senate vote was 38 to 33. This was a disappointing setback for the pro euthanasia groups.
However recently, on 23rd November 2009 the government still cannot make a firm decision. A bill to legalize voluntary euthanasia in South Australia was defeated in State Parliament. It looked so close to succeeding with votes at 10 all, and only the president to make to final vote.
When Mr. David Ridgway, a well known

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