
Essay 'The Bishop's'

Decent Essays

At the time of her writing her grandmother’s biography, she was a new researcher. She states in her essay that she was a poet, not a nonfiction writer at the time. One sentence of her essay that stuck out to me was, “A scholar friend once characterized writing history as a process of placing one event next to another” (89). She found it easier to write in chronological order instead of jumping all over Margaret’s life and then trying to piece it together in the end, which sounds like common sense you would think. But more common sense to a new writer would seem to write what information you find first, and then later on piece it together so that it sounds good.
Honor did a lot of traveling for her biography in order to get interviews from people that knew her grandmother. She taped all the interviews, and transcribed them into notes for reading later on so she could focus on the interviews themselves. It helped her to picture buildings, and rooms that her grandmother was in in order to get a feel for what she was writing. She states, “I had imagined, when I began the book, that I would learn something about the world Margaret had moved through but I had no …show more content…

This was a memoir about her, and her father, who struggled with his sexuality as a Bishop of New York. This memoir involved quite a bit of research into his life through letters, and his oral history. In an article in which she was interviewed regarding the memoir, she states, “Everything I write is to try and make whoever the reader is feel the experience that I’m writing about” (Smallwood, 1). She wanted her readers to experience, and talk about the book, and the fact that she brought up that her father was gay, and never came out to anybody, not even his wife. This is part of what she mentioned earlier in her essay about having a solid connection with the characters. This connection is not just for writers, but also for the readers

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