

Good Essays

“It’s not like I want to hurt these people. I hate seeing how afraid people are when they see us. That’s the thing though, this family is all I have. I do as they say and I’m welcomed. If I didn’t I would have nowhere to go.”
“If you tell us what we’re asking you, we can find you a home. A real family, with people who care about you. Come on kid, why do you people do what you do?”
“Really? A real family?”
“Yes. Now please answer me.”
“Alright fine. We are Chaos to Camelon. We are an underground group of wizards who desire a completely equal society. No money, no rules, only free people. Does that answer your question?”
“So, you desire total anarchy. I still don’t understand. Why rob so many places? Who is your leader? How do we find him?” …show more content…

We shall go.” Merlin agreed. Alfie couldn’t rest that night. He had been terrified for the fate of his family as soon as he found out about this cult group. Things only seemed to be getting worse and worse. Now they were anarchists and wizards. He couldn’t process it. He spent the night at the station to keep an eye on Edivor, but he made sure to call his wife and let her know he wouldn’t be home until late the next day. She was pregnant with their first child, so she was even more worried than normal. He only reassured her and said it was just a “small complication that he needed to take care of”. After almost a half hour of convincing her everything was fine she had finally calmed down. After hanging up he continued his night restlessly stareing from the ceiling to the wall. He wasn’t sure if he would be alive in two days time, but it was for the good of Britain, so he had to take that chance. The next morning the group of four journeyed off. Edivor lead the way, followed closely by Merlin and the rest of them. He lead them down to the subway into the men’s restroom. He crawled under the third stall and then unlocked it for the rest of the group. He then flushed the empty toilet and asked that they put their left foot in one at a time.
“Excuse me?” asked Alfie. “Why in the world would you ask us to do something like that?”
“Its magic, remember Alfie?” Merlin said. “But this is risky, what if someone decided to use this and their skin

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