
Essay On Reverse Discrimination

Decent Essays

“Discrimination: treating a person or group differently when the reason is not relevant”(Kaye and Thomson). A double standard is created when a rule or regulation does not fairly apply to all groups. An example of this is racism’s double standard that has been created while trying to amend to unfairness created by racism. These double standard are hostile to attempts of true equality due to the harm it causes to the media/justice system create reverse discrimination, and affect college admissions unfairly. The double standard of racism affects the media/justice system by creating racist articles that are viewed as “okay”, viewing one form of racism acceptable while another not, and affecting opinions about what if “fair” and what is not. …show more content…

It can destroy majorities and other minorities attempts of college even with granting merits. An example as stated by Shikha Dalmia is that the University of Michigan used a point system with race being twenty a good essay being one and a perfect SAT score with only twelve points. While this system has been undone the damage is still damaged due to how many students could have been wrongfully denied admission. Also, affirmative action was supposed to be a temporary solution until a better one could be made (Kaye and Thomson) In addition to this affirmative action has been challenged multiple times in court and each time only very little has been changed each …show more content…

One reason why this may be more effective it that young minds can be easily swayed by what may at first seem like reliable media outlets. Also, without proper education on the topic students can easily see discrimination as a one way act and then be intolerant but, if taught well they will now that it can go both ways. In addition to this, instead of teens and adults trying to amend racism by creating a double standard actual work towards equality can take

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