
Essay On Edward Scissorhands

Decent Essays

In society there are lots of nasty people yet there a lot of good hearted people. In the film Edward Scissorhands, directed by Tim burton, an unfinished human Edward is introduced into a town where they all judge him acting and looking different. Society is full of lots of different people who can either only think about themselves or who care about others. Everybody in society is different from everybody else.
In society there are lots of self-centred people who are selfish and cause chaos. These types of people only look out for themselves and use other people for their own personal gain. In the film Edward Scissorhands the women use Edward to cut their the fil Joyce becomes so self-absorbed that it becomes a competition for her to do everything better than everyone else. Joyce got Edward to cut her dog’s hair so she can tell everyone about it. She then makes Edward cut her own hair in front of everyone to show that it’s all about her. In Edward Scissorhands Kevin say’s “can I take him to show and tell?” Even though Kevin did not mean to be …show more content…

These gossipers get so excited when they hear gossip that they would all rush into a group at moment’s notice just to talk behind others back. “Wait for me I’m right around the corner.” All the women were being horrible and nasty by talking behind pegs back. This shows that all the women have little respect for peg and don’t care about the details but care about the excitement of talking about others behind their backs. All the women in the film stand outside of peg’s house all day until when their husbands come back home late at night. This shows that some people would wait all night just to hear the smallest information about other people so they can have something to gossip about. This makes the audience feel sorrow towards peg on how such a nice lady doing a nice thing has people gossip behind her back about what she is

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