
Environmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay

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The environmental challenges facing the American Auto Industry When the automobile was introduced to the public, they immediately fell in love with it. It was a welcome miracle of science, clean, efficient and a reliable machine compared to the horse and carriage which required constant cleaning and a large place for storage. As more and more people acquired these machines, no one noticed the changes it made to the environment. The term smog was first used in California around the 1940’s to describe a yellow-brown haze that caused eyes to water, and headaches. It was found that the exhausts of the combustion engine brought forth this poison cloud that caused not only mild irritations but also had long lasting effects such respiratory problems and lung cancer. It wasn’t until 1965 when congress finally decided to do something about it and passed the vehicle air pollution and control act. Yet, it was not enough and so congress later decided that to further protect the environment and its citizens it needed to pass more laws. Laws that determined manufactures of the vehicle, safety, emissions and the use of any new technologies to help minimize the damage to the environment. As the globalization opens many doors for sales, it also opens doors for more clients demand on the company 's products. This creates a new approach for managers to adapt new cultures and adopt new strategies to build what the client likes and dislikes in the global market. It is stated that the giant

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