
Egg Drop Challenge

Satisfactory Essays

Egg Drop Challenge Have you ever heard of drop the egg challenge? Well, I’m here to tell you about my drop the egg challenge. You have to drop the egg from a distance in the air, but the egg cannot crack. Yes, it is possible. Here’s the supplies my partner and I used. We had a bowl, rocks, cardboard, four paper towel rolls, gorilla tape, hot glue gun, and of course an EGG! First we placed the rocks in the bowl, then glued a square foot piece of cardboard on top of the bowl, next we glued/taped the paper towel rolls (on top of the cardboard glued to the bowl), after we cut a small circle in a small square piece of cardboard (so the egg can fit in it), therefor we glued the egg in the circle and we cut a half of a bottle and put it

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