
Dr. Robert Marzano 's Book The Art And Science Of Teaching

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Teaching with purpose to have a desired outcome is one perspective to examine Dr. Robert Marzano’s book The Art and Science of Teaching. The instructional situation that I am familiar with is elementary. As I examine Marzano’s ten instructional design questions, that represent a logical planning sequence for effective instructional design, I will use elementary lenses.
1. What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?
In the elementary classroom, there is a clear distinction what is the learning goal from learning activities. I post a learning goal for every subject on the board in the front of the classroom. Each student also has their own scale from level one which is an entry level to level four which is above expectations. As a whole group we are expected to get to a level three, which is at grade level. My students also track their progress on their scale. Finally, when a student reach the level three or four on the learning scale, I recognize them and celebrate their growth.
2. What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?
To help students effectively interact with new knowledge, I often preview new content prior to the critical input experience with a short engaging video. Often I also purposefully organize students in groups to enhance the active processing of information. New information is presented in small chunks or digestible bites. Questions are then asked for my

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