
Doing Business in Another Country

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In order to successfully introduce a product into a foreign market it is important to know the culture of the country you plan to do business in. In order to introduce mobile handsets into a market like Venezuela, the supplier must be well acclimated with the purchasing habits, tastes, and willingness to purchase the product that is being sold. Understanding these things starts with building a knowledge base about the major aspects of the culture and your target consumer. With this being said I am providing a brief overview of the country of Venezuela.
Venezuela boasts a population of well over 27 million, and represents a large potential market for any firm looking to do business within the country, because it is …show more content…

This is very intriguing for a society that has a high unemployment rate. Most of Venezuela’s population finds itself educated because public education is provided. Even though education is free, there is an astounding 20 % of the population that has received no formal education at all. This is outrageous because Venezuela has a compulsory educational system, which means that people are required to by law to go to attend school for 9 years. This shows that even though education is provided for free there are still families so poverty stricken that they are not able to send their children to school; because they need to work to provide more support for the families. The children that do go through the public education system can attend Universities which are also free. Although the education in Venezuela is provided for free, this is also a reason why the education system is not the greatest. Providing education from grade school through college stretches educational funds thin, which results in each level of education being under funded. It has already been established that the majority of the people of Venezuela are literate. In this society there are jobs that require the certain skills such as a lawyers, judges, politicians, or businessmen etc; but in the society as a whole basic skills are being seen as all that is required for the average person. As mentioned earlier Venezuela is a society that relies heavily on the production of

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