
Does Junk Food In Schools Make It Happier For Students?

Decent Essays

Could cutting out junk food in schools make it unhealthier for students? By cutting out junk food in schools, could you actually be making it more unhealthy for students than it would be to keep them? What does this mean? How does that even work, I mean, is it even true? Obesity rates of children in America have increased majorly since the 1980s, and this is a problem. Schools have been blamed for this, and because of it, they are getting rid of any unhealthy foods the schools are selling to students… fundraisers and all. Even though cutting out junk food in schools is the healthier choice, schools should keep them on sale because it helps kids learn responsibility of making healthy choices, it can be used as a treat or reward, and it can also …show more content…

By buying junk food you are giving back to the school and giving back to yourself. You can watch your budget by spending more money on junk food so you can keep your account balanced; and yourself out of debt, which is an important life skill. Some kids don't have enough money to buy groceries and pack a lunch everyday or to buy one from the school's cafeteria, so they talk to the NSLP. “The National School Lunch Program (NLSP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. The program was established under the National School Lunch Act, signed by President Harry Truman in 1946.” Many schools use the NSLP system, and by doing so families can provide for their children and still save money. But schools need money too, and they get more when students buy junk food from the school. ”Many schools have school stores, snack carts, and vending machines. These places often sell candy, chips, soda, and other junk food. Schools make money from these junk food sales. Snack food companies pay for the right to sell their snacks. School stores and snack carts raise money. Some people say this makes sense. Schools …show more content…

Although it can provoke bad habits and be an unhealthy reward, it will get kids striving to do better. With junk food in schools, kids can treat themselves however they like, but with this comes responsibility and knowing when too much is just too much “If schools don’t sell junk food, kids can buy it somewhere else. Other people say that if schools ban junk food, kids won’t learn to make good choices. After all, kids don’t need to abstain from eating these foods. They just shouldn’t eat them very often.” Says Kelly Brownell, director of Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. When a kid gets an A on a test or does good on a project they reward themselves with a soda after school or maybe a bag of chips or candy bar during lunch. This is part of what junk food in schools is great for, but you just have to know when it's too much and that is critical to having responsibility. With junk food in schools kids can treat themselves however they like, but with this comes responsibility and knowing when too much is just too much. John Metallo, a retired principal of Albany High School and a former adjunct instructor at the University at Albany and SUNY Plattsburgh, states that, “Kids aren't getting fat because of what they eat in school, they consume most of the food they consume at home or someplace else, like restaurants for example. Based upon a 180-day school year and three meals

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