
Diesel Argumentative Essay

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Introduction Diesel is going to be the fuel that will control the world just like gasoline is today. Clean diesel is something that seems unreachable but it is closer than people think. Diesels now are Cleaner than ever and it it going to out do any other form of power for cars. Although other fuels and forms of power produce no emissions, diesel engines can be made to produce less harmful pollutants and be more efficient. There may be a few negative characteristics about diesel engines. But, the positive characteristics that they have out weight the bad things about them. To keep the diesels clean the process of how they work needs to be known. Diesel engines, What is it? Diesel engines are very different from normal gasoline engines in the …show more content…

There are a lot of positive things that diesel engines can offer. Diesel engines are extremely efficient at using the fuel that they are given. Since diesel fuel is more like a syrup, it packs more of a punch in terms of energy per unit of weight. Even if it may cost more than gasoline, diesel contains more potential energy than watery gasoline.When diesel engines run, less diesel is needed to do the same amount of work that a gasoline engine would do. Because of this diesel cars get crazy fuel mileage in the 40s, 50s or even more. Also these number can be increased with the help of a turbocharger. To stop the pollutants from entering the atmosphere car manufacturers have fitted these cars with extremely effective filters but the issue with that is people tamper with them. So when a diesel can emits a dark black smoke it is most likely because the filter is broken or it's missing altogether. A down side to the filter is that it works best when it is hot so short trips around the city won’t do anything to the NOx that passes through it. Car manufacturers have been finding other ways to reduce the emissions by recirculating it back from the exhaust to the cylinder. Another thing they have been doing is injecting urea which is made of ammonia to trap the …show more content…

All combustion engines release pollutants that damage the atmosphere like carbon dioxide and other gases. Nora states that Diesel engines emit black carbon which is worse than any other version of carbon dioxide. That black carbon can really harm the health of people because when it is deeply inhaled it can trigger asthma attacks and exacerbate chronic bronchitis. The international agency for cancer research has labeled the particles of black carbon carcinogenic. This explains how diesel exhausts are harmful to the environment and the people and animals that live in it. This proves that the diesel engines are not the way of the future unless they find a way to clean up the emissions that diesel engines

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