
Diagnosing A Psychological Disorder Of The Brain

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A disorder of the brain is called a psychological disorder or mental disorder. It affects emotion, behaviors, and causes thoughts of self harm and can even harm others. Psychological disorders affect everyday lifestyles. Over the years the definition of psychological disorder has changed due to new research found. There are a lot of different psychological disorders, all of them affect the mind in a different way. Diagnosing a psychological disorder can be lengthy. There are lots of test and steps to decide if or if not the patient has a psychological disorder and what one you have. The first step to diagnosing a disorder is getting an evaluation from a doctor. They will do a series of tests and ask questions to decide whether or not the …show more content…

They will need to follow these steps in order to keep their disorder under control. There are different options for treatment, such as..psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and assertive community treatment. If the patient does not follow their plan of treatment their disorder may become worse, potentially putting them in a psych ward.
There are different types of psychotherapy. They are all based off the type of psychological disorder the patient may have. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one that is used to treat different types of psychological disorders. This type of therapy uses cognitive behavior which is how a person’s thoughts influence their behavior and moods. It also uses behavioral therapy, it is based on the patient’s individual actions.
Cognitive behavioral treatment tries to help with the patterns of the patient’s thinking and behavior. It will help to change negative thinking the patient may be struggling with. It assists in ways to help stressful situation, this helps with psychological symptoms. It is mostly used for depression, substance abuse disorders, schizophrenia, and …show more content…

This disease is life threatening due to the lack of nutrients the body needs and the heart will begin to slow down creating heart failure a risk because of the body’s low blood pressure. There are a lot of other effects anorexia nervosa such as loss of muscle causing the body to be very weak, reduction of bone density creating osteoporosis, severe dehydration which causes the kidneys to begin to fail, and dry skin and hair loss can also be a problem.
There are lots of warning signs of someone who has anorexia nervosa. If someone has dramatic weight loss, constantly makes remarks about being fat even though they have lost a lot of weight, if they have anxiety about gaining weight, or having a food rituals. A food ritual is eating foods in a certain order, rearranging food on a plate, or excessive chewing. Someone with anorexia may begin to stop hanging out with their friends and doing other basic activities, instead they only have exercise on their mind. Lots of people anorexia will make excuses to get out of eating too keep from getting

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