
Demia Research Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction Dementia is define as one of the worse diseases in society today .Dementia is described as a symptoms that included decrease of intellectual functioning that interferes with normal life functions to included :language ,judgment or reasoning of all emotional and behavioral controls .Dementia has no set attachment over age ,gender, race nor religion .It is now very clear that Alzheimer's is the major cause of Dementia in elderly people . However, it also been proven that Dementia doesn’t start at the late age of 65 or 70, it has been noted that the onsite can start as early as 48 years of age. According to Banerjee and Vanessa Lawrence Dementia is a condition that will forever be an important problem in our society today. However, …show more content…

National Institution of Health and ,on or about 5.10 million Americans have Alzheimer's .This is very interesting as many as 10 million baby boomers born between 1946-1964 will develop Alzheimer's. Over 500,000 are diagnosed year. The first type would be Vascular Dementia, Mixed Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, Parkinson Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Progressive Dementia, and CJD Dementia. Children with Dementia can be considered as a secondary diseased which there is a condition that leads to Dementia. After researching the following types of Dementia, my findings are that all stages are untimed ,uncontrolled and very inconsistence To define the Vascular Dementia – Caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain which deprives the brain cell of oxygen .This type of Dementia can be a result from any other the condition that the patient may have .The next type Frontotemporal Dementia -The most common of Dementia disease ,which cause damage to the brain cells in the frontal and temporal lobes ,also declines the patients social skills ,resulting in personality changes manifesting before memory loss and speech problems .Parkinson Disease Dementia –A very chronic and progressive neurological condition that affects cognitive functioning. Dementia do to a condition of Parkinson Disease is also known as Lewy Body …show more content…

Angela Thomas MD, Neurologist Sacred Heart Hospital, Pensacola ,Florida .The first stage no impairment ,it's not obvious they can function on their own for a very long time . Stage two Dementia, very mild Dementia signs are barely noticeable some forgetfulness but as always associate it with age the patient my miss place things, and then in the same second remember where they put them. Stage three mild Dementia, the patient is usually able to do his or her basic daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, taking a bath and getting themselves dressed. Stage four moderate , the patient is having trouble doing daily routines as stated above .They now have trouble holding their urine ,increased memory loss and forgetfulness difficulty doing challenges such as making out monthly bills ,grocery shopping and they are becoming very anti-social .Stage five moderately severe Dementia ,this is the stage where the dementia patient will need assistance with their everyday activities ,memory loss has increased ,they can number longer remember their address, phone number date of birth basically anything personal .Very confused about their where about' s and surroundings .Stage six severe stage of Dementia , at this stage the dementia patient can no longer get themselves dressed ,they need assistances in the bathroom . The Dementia patient at this stage begins to wander off from home if not supervised, the patient can no

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