
Deception In Macbeth

Decent Essays

“Deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away in the end.” The major theme of the story in Tragedy of Macbeth is deception. This whole story is based on deception. It shows characters kind of being fake so that the could get what they want. This happens to almost everyone in the story. People can see it happening while watching the play of this. It's really crazy how Shakespeare interprets deception in this and it is quite interesting to see what they get and what happens if they get it. It's really quite mind blowing how someone could write this. Shakespeare was a straight genius. Shakespeare may be the most admired author of all time. He would be a huge celebrity if he was living in today's world. Instead, …show more content…

Duncan is the King and throughout the first act Macbeth slowly claims his trust and that is where the deceiving starts. “Your hand, your tongue: look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t. (Line 65) It's basically saying that to fool him with being kind to him and helping him and to speak fondly of him so that you can claim his trust and your outside appearance with be trusted. Then inside being a dangerous snake that is willing to do whatever it takes to kill the king. Macbeth thinks too much about it and his lady questions if he has the balls to do the deed. Questioning his manhood triggers him and makes him want to prove to his lady that he is a man. So him and his lady make a plan to kill the king while he is sleeping at their house. This is another form of deception and then they find a way to get the guards away from the king and Macbeth does what he has to do. This is the first form of deception that really happens in this …show more content…

Macbeth really didn't want to be the king if he had to kill someone to be it. “Screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail.” (line 60) I mean that is pretty logical and his moral values made it be like that. He wasn't going to do it but then lady Macbeth got in the way and questioned his manhood. That's a big No, No back in those times. Your manhood is probably one of the most important things to guys back in that time. She's tells him things that persuade him even though if they aren't true. That's how she is and that's what she does. She's wants it more than he does. So the reason why Macbeth kills the king is because of his lady persuading him. The deception of her persuading him is the reason I am talking about this. She does this throughout the whole

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