
Essay on Deadbeat Dads are Not Criminals

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Fathers every year in Washington go to jail for nothing more than being broke (Deadbeat). They are called “dead beat dads” by their peers, scorn by society, and treated as subclass citizens (THE, ASSOCIATED). This is a very grim reality that men of every age range face daily. Both men and women make the choices which result in babies. However, women are given a choice at every stage of the child’s development to adopt out, abort, or even use contraception (Why). Thus, men and women share equal responsibility in the acts that conceive children. However, men do not have the same options women do (Why). Despite this, DCS hunts men down as if they are the answer to all of society’s problems, treating men like criminals until they lay a golden …show more content…

Unfortunately, $540 wasn’t enough for the DA who threatened jail time if he could not come up with $2500 (Miller). As a result, Robin Miller refused to sign any order and kept the money he was going to pay (Miller). Miller believed he would need this money in order to pay for representation (Miller). The next case I submit to you is that of Andre F. Braxton. Braxton was in court for a child support debt of $61,000 (Deadbeat). Under the pressure of this debt Braxton made a $1,500 payment to the courts then fled the court room (Deadbeat). Deputies reported that Braxton never returned to his home (Deadbeat). As can be seen, I do not make these claims lightly. Both of these men were absolutely intent on paying their obligations; however, in both cases the men could not pay as much as the state demanded. As a result of this, one man ran and another withheld his payment. Were these men not under threat of loss of liberty (arrest), they may have been able to continue paying support obligations to a lesser degree. However, under the threat of arrest these men can no longer make any support payments. Finally, were these men to have been arrested, the result would have been the same.
Next, I reason that child support is not a man’s obligation at all. The reason men are expected to pay support dates back to colonial days when the woman stayed home, and the man provided for her and the children (Colonial). In this era, the woman had no options and no means of

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