
Credit Score Benefits

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In case you've ever wondered how your bank or other organizations decide whether to give you a credit card, extend you a loan or even grant you a mortgage, it's simple. They can determine if you are creditworthy by scoring you based on how well you've dealt with money and your monetary obligations in the past.

In short, if you've defaulted on your rent or loans, have a bad credit history or regularly fail to make payments on time, you may be denied further credit or even fail to get that apartment you wanted to lease. The figure they get from their calculations and use to rate you is known as your credit score - and the higher it is, the better.

Your credit score helps them to determine the likelihood of you actually paying back any money …show more content…

Logically one would assume there should be no correlation between your faithfullness in financial matters and wrecking your vehicle. Indeed, the states of Massachusests, Hawaii and California in the USA do not permit car insurance companies to consider your credit scores or use them to inflate your premiums in this way.

Surprisingly enough however, while it's not really clear why this is so, it's been found that drivers with high credit scores do tend to be safer drivers and therefore save auto insurers money. The problem however, is that while it's clear that your credit score does have an impact, it's quite difficult to tell how big an impact it is and how much more of a premium you ought to pay for insurance. This isn't at all helped by the complex rules the insurance companies use to set their prices, rules they tend not to share with anyone.

To try and get to the bottom of this Consumer Reports carried out an investigation by examining over 2 billion insurance quotations obtained from 700 auto insurance firms. They found (and published in their September 2015 edition) that, depending on which state you live in, if you are a single adult driver with a poor or just a good credit score, you may have ended up paying anywhere from between $68 to $526 extra per year for your insurance compared to drivers who had excellent credit scores. Taking the USA as a whole, on average, high credit rate scorers paid $214 less per year for their auto

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