
Credit Debt Thesis

Decent Essays

Approximately seventy percent of Americans, present day, are living paycheck to paycheck. Why you may ask? Many of the families have jobs with incomes to surpass the amount to not live paycheck to paycheck, but they are paying off past credit issues they got themselves into. Credit debt is a real problem among Americans today, due to instant gratification and not having the patience to save for their purchases, while measures could be taken to stay away from or prevent it. (Ramsey, D.)
Credit debt is defined as results when a client of a credit card company purchases an item or service through the card system. The credit system was designed as a way to bring people out of bad conditions of living. Student loans for college and leasing a car are two really big credit loans. This affected every person who owns a credit card and struggles to pay it back. (Wolff-Mann, F.) …show more content…

It originated back with the pilgrims when they lent credit in the earliest of market places here in the U.S. The pilgrims that ventured to the new land had little money and were mainly hunters and gatherers. They needed some way to get food from the marketplace when times were tough. (Wolff-Mann, F.) The seriousness of credit can get as bad as getting your needs taken away, such as your house or car or even bank account swiped, depending on how much you owe and what you owe on. The negative effects can be depression and bankruptcy. Thirty-five percent of all relationships to end in divorce are because of money related issues (mostly debt). You can lose your house, car, and even get your bank account swiped by the people you owe money to if it is really serious. (Holland,

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