
Creating Stricter Policies That Charge The State For Hosting These Procedures Essay

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Step-Five Generating Alternatives
• Create stricter policies that charge the state for hosting these procedures
• Generate fines to help fund revenue for the States and the issue
• Establish a committee dedicated to educate, enforce and provide outreach programs for the affected with the use of IDEO’s creativity process.
In the beginning of my paper I observed the issues with the organ trafficking crisis and decided to brainstorm some aspect of the CPS process I came up with two alternatives. One is to establish a committee dedicated to education, enforcement and providing outreach for the affected would make a difference overtime. The use of IDEO’s creative process allows for an in depth look at the issue and a solution from different views of people. In States that have increase cases of organ trafficking lack education to its citizens. These states also lack the financing for its citizens to thrive. In India kidney trafficking is a major contribution to the black market because of the lack of money for extravagant dories. Many sell their kidneys to pay for loans, not realizing that the amount of care that needs to be provided after the surgery is more expensive later. Using IDEO’s process because of the diversity problems that may be plain as day to an individual that is in that field may see as a non-factor, could be viewed by another set of eyes differently and may not be over looked. Next is to establish stricter guidelines for firm regulation within this practice

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