
Creatine Research Paper

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Next, Creatine is a supplement made of three different amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine. Creatine can be produced by the body and found in high protein meats. When creatine enters the body it bonds with a phosphate molecule to form creatine phosphate. When macronutrients are consumed they go through a process called oxidation to become adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is molecule that stores energy. When a task is performed energy is given off to perform the task and a phosphate is lost. Once a phosphate is lost ATP becomes ATD (adenosine diphosphate). ATD is useless to the body and can not be used for energy unless it is formed back into ATP. Creatine gives its phosphate to ATD to make up for the missing phosphate, reforming ATP. Creatine provides more energy to increase performances and strength while training. Shannon Clark, whom holds a degree in exercise science and sport performance said “Creatine allows you to keep pushing hard in the gym at a time when you would previously had to decrease the load or stop entirely, so it helps in building muscle faster” (Clark). Taking a creatine supplement provides more energy needed to build strength.
Also, consuming protein shakes will provide needed calories to gain muscle. To gain muscle more calories need to be put into the body …show more content…

Immunoglobulins or antibodies are made by the immune system to protect the body from bacteria, virus, and cancer cells. Once a pathogen enters into the body, the immune system creates a antibody to destroy the pathogen. If the same pathogen were to enter the body again the antibody would destroy the pathogen immediately before it infects the body. The author of “Immunoglobulins” said “If your body has low levels of antibodies, you have a greater chance of developing repeated infections” (Immunoglobulins). Consuming a protein shake will provide additional immunoglobulins to help strengthen the immune

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