
Cracked Windshield Research Paper

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A cracked windshield may not seem like such a big deal, especially if the crack isn’t obstructing your view. You could put it off until it gets too wide to ignore or you could file a claim with you insurance. It’s as simple as that. FB Glass of Rochester, NY, has specialized in auto glass replacement for years and has seen their fair share of cracked windshields. What some car owners don’t realize is that their insurance probably covers minor cracks, providing a way for auto glass repair professionals at FB Glass to offer quick fixes that will have them back on the road in no time. Whether it’s a small chip in the glass or if it’s a full spider web effect, FB Glass has the tools and equipment to fix it. They do everything from custom glass repair to custom glass installation, so if you’re in need of a professional’s opinion, be sure to stop by this local auto glass repair company. …show more content…

Windshield repair can cost anywhere from $20-$325, depending on the severity of the crack. Now, some car owners may have a deductible that requires them to pay a certain amount before the insurance kicks in. In some cases, there could be a loophole in the insurance policy for this kind of fix, allowing you to take advantage of a lower deductible or get a repair for

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