
Corporate Leadership : The Bank Of America Essay

Better Essays

Bank of America
Talent management is a common term in corporate leadership which refers to a process that covers a key aspect of an employee’s life cycle. The cycle consists of a selection of development, succession and performance management for the purpose of ensuring that an organization has sufficient number of employees in terms of quantity and quality. This critical process ensures that an organization has enough people in place to meet their current and future business priorities. Talent management reflects an organizations commitment to hire, manage and retain talented work force, for the purpose of improving employee’s productivity and customer satisfaction. It is a perfect tool for success and the adoption of efficient talent management practices is the cause of advancement in some of the world’s leading corporations. One particular example is the bank of America.
Bank of America is one of the first national retail bank in the United States of America over decades. The bank advanced from a humble beginning in North Carolina to become a world leader in corporate and investment banking. It has proven track record of seven years with successful results in every stage of its advancement. Bank of America has been actively been involved in acquisition and organic growth over the years and still maintains its leadership position in the corporate world. The key to its success lies in their talent management program.
The banks on boarding program focus on the executives who

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