
Consumer Decision Making Process And The Beverage Brand Products

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Consumers buying decision making play an important role for the success of every company or organisation. Without the investigation into consumers and their buying behaviour companies and organisation and marketer cannot achieved their aims and objective of their goals in the sale of their product. The purpose of this investigation is to explore the relationship between the consumers buying decision making process and the beverage brand products. (Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola) The data for the research has been collected from the UK one of the biggest town in England know as Huddersfield. The result from the research has determining that in the UK, majority of the consumers prefer Coca cola beverage brand than Pepsi and the research result has indicated that consumers buying decision can significant influence the beverage brand product in the UK market the research continue to say that if coca cola has put more focus on consumers buying decision in the UK know what they expected from them and producer according to their customers demand and try to satisfy their need and wants this can lead coca cola toward the success and increase their profit in the UK market

1.1 Introduction
These research topics on consumers buying decision making is one of the most interesting topics by different researcher and marketer before, and even still there are research going on it. Different researcher has shown different cause which related to consumers buying decision making that 's why

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