
Component # 4 Reflection: Working With Gifted Students

Decent Essays

Component #4 Reflection 3 pages of commentary
As I have grown as a professional particularly over the past four years working with gifted learners, I recognize many lessons learned to improve my practice. My approach is less teacher directed and more student led blocks. I start with a brief mini-lesson for the topic of the day giving a few tips (as you can see in my whole group video clip). There is a short session of guided practice during this acquiring knowledge portion of the lesson. The bulk of the time then is given to investigations where I facilitate meaning making. Providing challenging tasks that I do not solve for or with them has given new excitement to my classroom. The level of engagement has skyrocketed. Conversations among students has given opportunity to build deep understanding on pre-algebra content. I have no students in academic support and none have failed their end-of-the year testing which is amazing given the complexity of our curriculum. Across the state, the 8th grade math assessment is one of the lowest performing end of the year tests. I am confident my experiences in the reflective cohort, balanced assessment committee, and gifted course work/Praxis time investments leading to endorsements had an impact on student learning.
1. Reflecting on each of the PGEs presented, discuss any changes, additions, and/or next steps that would …show more content…

Mr. T and I have begun our work with Algebra I. My state just added the use of Praxis to add the endorsement. We are working each Friday as we did with on the Middle School Mathematics Praxis. Our goal is to take the assessment the end of June (and pass in one attempt). The reason this is important for my students is it allows me to build in enrichment opportunities since I will know the next level in their schooling. Students like Ryan will benefit because I can challenge him at a deeper level in the objectives since math is so closely aligned

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