
Comparing Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Patrick Henry's Speech in the Virginia Convention: Who Made the Best Argument?

Decent Essays

Jonathan Edwards creates a more effective argument for the intended audience in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” than “The Speech in the Virginia Convention” written by Patrick Henry, by utilizing various techniques. Patrick Henry makes a strong argument however in the end, Edwards’ sermon grows to be more effective. Edwards creates the argument by strengthening the writing through tone, structure, fallacies and knowledge of the congregation that became his audience. Henry’s piece uses methods of oratory persuasion but the actual topic of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” has an advantage from the start by appealing to fear, a fallacy of logic. Even with the strong basis “The Speech in the Virginia Convention” by Patrick …show more content…

The tone appeals to several fallacies of logic such as, Bandwagon, Broad Generalization, Either - Or thinking, Appeal to Belief, Appeal to Emotion, Appeal to Popularity, Appeal to Fear, Appeal to Consequences of a Belief, and Appeal to Tradition, all which impact the church congregation. The use of tone that includes fallacies helps Edwards write a more convincing piece than Patrick Henry’s speech. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” becomes very effective for the intended audience when knowledge of the customs and traditions that shape the impacted audience Become taken into consideration. The typical colonist was usually a devout Christian and made church a huge part of their lives. Jonathan Edwards believed that the colonists had begun to put less emphasis on God and Christianity, as a result he preached this sermon to persuade the congregation to bring God back to the focal point of their lives or risk the wrath of God and possibly the eternal torments of Hell. Jonathan Edwards was believed by his audience of the congregation without a doubt because of his position in society as a preacher. Patrick Henry’s intended audience was the president of the convention that he

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