
Compare And Contrast Seabiscuit And The Cinderella Man

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The depression was a burdensome time for everyone, yet some people rose to the challenge and gave hope to their struggling country. Some of these individuals were Red Pollard and his horse, Seabiscuit, who went on to fame because of their success while racing, along with James J. Braddock, the famous boxer. The films Seabiscuit and The Cinderella Man were made to share their achievements and give hope to others who are struggling. These two films consist of many similarities and differences that can be depicted throughout the story. Seabiscuit and The Cinderella Man both take place during the Great Depression, a time where everyone was desperate for the smallest bit of cash. The characters Seabiscuit and James J. Braddock both prove themselves to be underdogs. Seabiscuit is born a small colt whom no one desires to tame or put their effort into, and …show more content…

In Seabiscuit, Red is given away by his family, who he loved, for money. Red is very bitter towards others that try to comfort or be like family to him, because of this experience with his loved ones. In the time of desperation Red’s family crumbled apart. On the other hand, James did everything he could to keep his family together, whether it meant giving his foods to his kids, or working at the docks with a broken hand. James stayed positive during the Great Depression unlike Red who let his struggling get the best of him. Both movies were also different in the way it was presented. Seabiscuit had very bright lighting which showed joy, while The Cinderella Man had dark lighting, projecting loss and despair. Finally, both movies gave hope, just to different classes of people. Most people who came to watch horses race were superior to those struggling in the Depression, so Seabiscuit gave hope to the more fortunate. Unlike Seabiscuit, The Cinderella Man provided a sense of hope to the lower class societies that would do anything to watch a boxing

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