
Compare And Contrast Priscilla And The Wimps

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Comedy is a type of entertainment that uses jokes and skits that are intended to make the audience laugh. In the short story, “Priscilla and the Wimps,” Monk Clutter had the school under control with his gang, the Klutters Kobras. Before Priscilla came, the gang would go around the school stealing kids lunch money from students. When Priscilla came, Monk had finally met his match. Richard Peck’s short comedy, “Priscilla and the Wimps” is a high level of comedy that uses comic characters, comic situations, and comic language to convey the importance of treating others the way you want to be treated. “Priscilla and the Wimps” is an example of high comedy because the author uses witty exaggerating, and mocking jokes. The author of the short story uses clever wordplay to create witty jokes for comic characters such as “you’re going to have to educate your …show more content…

For example, when Melvin and Priscilla were being treated poorly by Monk, “...Priscilla had Monk in a hammerlock” (peck 345). The author uses unusual situations to create humor. This hilarious situation creates humor because Priscilla, a female, takes on the bully of the school, Monk. This creates an ironic, comic situations because you would never expect a girl to beat up a boy. This produces chuckles and grins from the readers since Priscilla play the role of a bigger person. Another example of a comic situation is when Priscilla had stuffed “..Monk into her own locker” (Peck 345). This laughable situation creates humor because Priscilla again plays the role of a bigger person by standing up for herself and the other students who had been bullied by Monk and his Kobras. The way the author described how Priscilla stood up to the bully resulted in the audience smiling and snickering. In summary, the comic situations in this short story display humor in forms of chuckles and snickers from the

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