
Compare And Contrast Dreamworks And Disney

Decent Essays

Animated films are one of the most entertaining forms of media out there. When it comes to animated films, two major film companies may come to mind: DreamWorks and Disney. For the past couple of years, people have been asking which company is better, and the answer is quite simply Disney. They have better stories, they maintain a certain theme, they are consistent, and extremely successful which is what makes them stand out from other studios and film companies. Of course, DreamWorks has some of these qualities as well, but they are far and few in between.
Disney, when it comes to their stories, almost always deliver. They have made some of the most iconic films with brilliant stories such as Aladdin, Lion King, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, etc. Granted, they haven’t always made the best films, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. They take time to make their films great and usually release a film once a year. DreamWorks has focused more on the quantity instead of the quality of their films, releasing at least 2 - 3 movies a year. Because of this, only some good movies like Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Megamind, etc. have come about and the rest only earning 7/10 or lower.
Disney has always been consistent and has maintained two certain themes since the 1930’s, the first is to “Follow Your Dreams.” They’ve applied this to the older movies like Pinocchio and Dumbo, and they apply them to today’s movies like Tangled or Wreck-It Ralph just

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