
Essay about Citizen Kane

Decent Essays

Citizen Kane is one of the world's most famous and highly-rated classic film masterpiece. Although it was not a commercial success at the time of its release it has always been praised by film critics. The film had a budget of $800,000 and was directed, produced, as well as acted by the twenty five year old Orson Wells. Wells used innovative and unique cinematic techniques in Citizen Kane that would influence the film making for all eternity.

One cinematic technique that Wells used was the Montage, the cinematic technique used to provide a lot of information in a very short amount of time or to show the passing of time. There are many of these used throughout the film which include the use of newspaper reels, opera shows, and my …show more content…

The first examples of Well's use of dissolves and fades was in the beginning and end of the movie with the scenes of the gates to Xanadu. He uses a serious of shots which dissolve or fade into each other to get closer and closer to the gates or fences of Xanadu.

Lighting was a key cinematic technique that Well's used to project a character's persona in the film. He used shadows to hide or mask the faces of the seemingly corrupt characters, like the reporters who are trying to find the meaning of rosebud. He also used backlighting, when light is cast onto the characters from the opposite side of the camera, to create silhouette's .Single source lighting was another technique used to focus the viewers attention on a important prop or action that was taking place. For example, when the reporter is allowed to see the book of Kane there is one window through which all it's light is focused on the book emphasizing its importance.

Wells also like to use deep focus, where both foreground and background can be kept in focus simultaneously. This cinematic technique gives the audience a choice of where to look at rather than them being guided to see what the director wants you to focus on. One of the many scenes that used deep focus was when the mother is signing off her son Kane. In this particular scene all three planes are in focus- the mother at the front, father at the door, and young Kane

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