
Chuck Klosterman As A Hero Essay

Decent Essays

Without darkness, there is no light. Without cold, there is no hot. Without villain, there is no hero. Who and what dictates a hero? People try not to fathom whom they consider a villain, a hero in someone else’s perspective. And the very opposite. A very common, yet unknown truth about the term hero is that the establishment of the title “hero” relies solely on the viewers of the context. Through examples in history, Chuck Klosterman’s I Wear the Black Hat, and Albert Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus, the term hero refers to nothing more than personal perspective. Adolf Hitler is described by many as a mass murderer and a manipulating dictator, however, it can be said that in my perspective and the perspective of the German population during WWII that he was a great leader and a hero in the resurrection of German power. It is the obvious truth that in result of the actions committed by Adolf Hitler hundreds of thousands innocent …show more content…

In the case that the villain is the person who knows the most but cares the least, the hero is then undoubtedly the person who knows the least but cares the most. If we go by the adopted definition of Chuck Klosterman, then George Zimmerman is arguably a hero in the famous case known as the Trayvon Martin Case. Trayvon Martin was shot dead in an altercation with George Zimmerman that happened because he chose to pursue Trayvon for looking suspicious. Keeping in mind that Trayvon was a young African American teen in a generally white neighborhood. George Zimmerman knew least about Trayvon and what he was up to, just that he “looked” suspicious, and cared for the wellbeing of his neighborhood for he was on a volunteer neighborhood watch. While George Zimmerman was cleared on all convictions and charges, he is no apparent “hero” in the eyes of the parents of Trayvon Martin, American public, nor the inhabitants of his

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