
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Decent Essays

Bobby Muniz
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease that effects the respiratory system. It is a progressive disease, which means the get gets worse as time passes ("What Is COPD?"). Although their are different types of COPD, the common similarity in the disease is increasing breathlessness. The main symptoms are increasing of breathlessness, frequent coughing, wheezing and tightness in the chest. One major issue is that when people age they assume that these COPD symptoms are symptoms of aging. People think their bodies are just waring out. This makes it hard to diagnose people with the disease, because they are unaware of the symptoms. COPD is a common …show more content…

This proteins help prevent the disease. Without out the protein the disease is common. Their are two major types of COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. In emphysema the walls between the air sacs are destroyed. In turn the sacs loose their shape. Their become fewer larger air sac instead of of numerous smaller one. This causes problems with the body getting enough oxygen ("COPD"). Without oxygen the body has to use anaerobic respiration, this is only a short term solution. Our bodies can do this but it produces lactic acid. Our bodies normally use aerobic respiration with requires oxygen. Chronic Bronchitis is when the airways are irritated and inflamed. The linings of the airways also become thick, along with an excess mucus formation. This causes breathlessness ("COPD"). Living with this disease can be an endless struggle. It is the leading cause of disability. It is also the third leading cause of death in america. It is not transmittable but still is a huge problem in society. It that isn 't enough COPD gets worse over time so this can lead to depression. In sever cases COPD can limit basic actives. These ca be as simple as cooking a meal or cleaning a house ("COPD").
In mild cases a person might not show symptoms of COPD. Symptoms do increase as the disease progresses. The main symptom that show in most people include respiratory related problems. Shortness of breath is common because of all the mucus in the lungs. Wheezing can be caused

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