
Cause And Effect Of Global Warming

Decent Essays

For years we have continuously heard the debate on the news about global warming. But, what is global warming? What causes it? Why should be concerned that the Earth is getting warmer? By definition, global warming is the increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature as a result of rising levels of greenhouse gases (Dunbar). In the recent years, studies have been devoted to finding causes for a slowdown in global surface temperatures. However, there has been no slow down. An article in journal of Science disproves this theory. Scientist have concluded that the estimate for the rate of global warming during the first fifteen years of the twenty-first century will be equal, if not greater warming effect as the last half of the twentieth century. Thus, indicating that the proposed slowdown of global warming is false (Karl et. al). Global warming is a result of carbon dioxide, pollutants and greenhouse gasses being trapped in the atmosphere and absorbing our sunlight and solar radiation. This radiation is supposed to be released into space, but these pollutants are causing the radiation to linger in the atmosphere for centuries (MacMillian). Specifically, greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide, is responsible for trapping the atmospheres heat and regulating our climate. The act as blanket, but as the thickness of the blanket increases so does the average surface temperature of Earth. The thickening of this layer surrounding the Earth is linked to the increase of carbon

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