
Case Conceptualization Paper

Decent Essays

Mr. Gillespie is a 21 year old male who presented to the ED after an intentional overdose on 20 600mg of Gabapentin. Per documentation from ED staff Mr. Gillespie reported he became angry at his grandmother tonight and tried to "prove a point." Mr. Gillespe reported to staff threatened to overdose on his on pills, however dumped them in the toilet. He expressed after making threats to overdose on his prescribed Celexa did not phase his grandmother, he proceeded to take her Gabapentin. Per documentation Mr. Gillespe has been living with grandmother for 2 weeks and before that was living with his mother in Cary. At the time of the assessment Mr. Gillespie was calm and cooperative. He denies current suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He appears guarded during the assessment. He reports tonight his grandmother and he got into an argument over him getting a job. He reports his grandmother informed him he has to be out by Friday. Mr. Gillespe denies history of self harm. He …show more content…

Gillespie grandmother, (Carol), was contacted. She reports her grandson has anger issues. She reports 2 months ago he went to a mental health facility in Cary for frequent reports of suicidal ideation. Carol states, "All I said tonight, I talked to one of the guys at the store about hiring him and he got smart with me." Carol reports after he threaten to take his pills, he took mine and walked away with them. She also states, "He told me, I'm going to kill myself, just like your father did." Carol reports she informed her grandson he need to get a job by Friday or he would have to leave because she could not afford to continue to take care of him. She reports yesterday finding him attempting to take some of her Gabapentin. Mr. Gillespe reports taking 10 600mg of Gabapentin before to get high. He states, "I have taken 10 600mg of Gabapentin to get high and it did not touch me, so I was confident 20 wouldn't do much." He admits to taking his grandmother

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