
Caring for People with Additional Needs

Good Essays

Year 13: Caring for people with additional needs


In my AO1 ‘caring for people with additional needs’ portfolio I am going to provide and clearly display in great detail information and understanding of three causes of additional needs. I will do this by researching a range of sources to get in dept information. Then I will provide an explanation with great content of the effects on people who are in need of these services due to their additional needs. Finally, I intend to record in depth and show understanding of each stage of the care management process and evaluate how it is used to access, plan, implement, monitor and review individual care plans.

Definition of disability “A physical or mental …show more content…


Down’s syndrome (DS), also called Trisomy 21, is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays in the way a child develops, both mentally and physically. The physical features and medical problems associated with Down’s syndrome can vary widely from child to child. While some children with Down’s syndrome need a lot of medical attention, others lead healthy lives. Though Down’s syndrome can 't be prevented, it can be detected before a child is born. The health problems that may go along with Down’s syndrome can be treated, and many resources are available to help children and their families who are living with the condition. (

Downs syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs in approximately 1 of 800 live births. It is uncommon in the UK, for example, from 2007 to 2008, 1,843 cases of Down’s syndrome were diagnosed during pregnancy, and 743 babies were born with the condition. Down’s syndrome affects about 1 in every 1,000 live births. Down’s syndrome affects all ethnic groups equally. Boys are slightly more likely (around 15%) to be born with Down’s syndrome than girls. (

The likelihood of having a baby born with Down 's syndrome increases with the mother 's age:

|Maternal Age at pregnancy |Down 's Syndrome Risk |

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