
Cambourne Conditions Of Learning Essay

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I examined five areas of Cambourne’s Conditions of Learning in the language arts block in the kindergarten classroom that I am in for my placement. The areas consisted of immersion, demonstration, engagement, expectation, and responsibility. There are 24 students in the classroom. The language arts block is directly after recess and right before lunch. The student I chose to do this study on is a 6-year-old girl named Laney who is very smart and always wants to learn more. The purpose of this study was to help me recognize techniques that ensure full engagement of students so I will be able to implement them in the future with my own students.
The five conditions used were immersion, demonstration, engagement, expectation, and responsibility. …show more content…

Adults need to demonstrate things many times and in multiple different ways so children can fully understand and use the language of their culture. Going into this classroom I was amazed how many different ways that my teacher demonstrates things during the language arts block. When they are doing handwriting, she demonstrates on the whiteboard and document camera how to do it and she also helps demonstrates how to make letters on their paper itself so it is easier to copy and learn how to make. She also does handwriting with chalkboards. They use chalk, a wet sponge and a piece of paper towel to make their letters on the chalkboard and she does it as they are doing it. Also when they have their zoo phonics mats out and have to match their zoo friends on the mat and sound and signal, she does it right alongside them. When they read their little letter books, she is right alongside them putting her finger under the text and showing them how to …show more content…

Engagement occurs when the learner is confident in the fact that they can do a certain task or assignment, understand that this will help them in the future, and feel that they will not be punished in any attempt whether it be right or wrong. Expectation is a belief that someone will or should achieve a certain task. If we have poor expectations for a student to do poorly, they will probably do poorly. If we expect great things from students, they might achieve more. I really thing the quote provided on the worksheet handed out fully describes what I think about engagement: “We achieve what we expect to achieve; we fail if we expect to fail; we are more likely to engage with demonstrations of those whom we regard as significant and who hold high expectations for us”. My teacher has tried to set up a positive environment where children feel like they can achieve so they can be engaged learners. My teacher praises the students that are doing things correctly as well as those who are not doing things correctly. She firmly but softly says that the letter is written is wrong and tries to help the student make sense of how to make it correctly. The only time where I feel like she is not being positive and nurturing is when she tells a child that their handwriting is garbage because she can tell they weren’t following along, but worked ahead and quickly finished their

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