
Essay about Buisness Ethics

Satisfactory Essays

Case 15: McWane: A Dangerous Business 1. Explain the concept of disciplined management. Has it worked at McWane? I would say NO, because of all the injuries and deaths of their employees. Here are some ways to become a disciplined project manager per the Project Management Institute I found: - Plan the next work week's activities a day or two ahead of time - Confirm activities the day before - Conduct daily reviews of what you did or didn't accomplish - Follow through on your commitments - Avoid time-wasters, such as unrelated conversations - Practice staying within the time allotted to the meetings, tasks and activities - Hold yourself accountable for your own deliverables by using a daily tracker document …show more content…

Employee/ Employer expectations, Employee appreciation/ respect, job safety training/practices. As well as well written company policies and procedures. Case 16: Merck's Vioxx: How Would You Interpret the Data? 1. What are the ethical implications of the "Dodge Ball Vioxx" document given to sales representatives? The purpose of the document was to convince doctors to keep prescribing Vioxx, even though the dangers of the drug escalated. (unethical) Merck was caught trying to suppress the negative information about Vioxx, even to the extent of threatening a university Researcher.(unethical/unlawful) Also, there was a concentrated effort to hide the negative evidence and distort the Vioxx trials by eliminating heart patients from the Vioxx studies so that the rate of cardiovascular problems for Vioxx patients would not be seen.(unethical) 2. Do you think this is a case of putting profits first? Explain. Maybe so, but since this is a well known Pharmaceutical Company, I am quite sure they did not want their name/reputation tarnished. 3. It took Merck five years to remove Vioxx from the market. Why? They were in denial, because it has been mentioned that they thought they “acted responsibly and appropriately as they developed and marketed Vioxx”. And they had the approval of the FDA. Also, if they pulled the medication off the markets, they would lose money it took to develop the medication. Looks like they chose to

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