
Bottled Water: A Comparative Analysis

Decent Essays

From helping the daily jogger stay hydrated during a run to that mom and family trying to stay hydrated at the amusement park, bottled water has had a lot of good to it. However do those goods outweigh the bad? In “Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?” by Christopher Castillo, Diana Goettsch, Angela Reid, and Catherine Sterling argue bottled water are our worst enemy, reasons being the bottle itself has harming chemicals within it which we are drinking, bottled water damages our environment, and lastly we are spending more on bottled water when we have the same water coming from our sinks.
The chemicals, used to make the plastic bottle, you are drinking from contain many chemicals that are blind to the human eye. Since companies are not obligated …show more content…

During my elementary years in school, I can recall waiting in line for the water fountains for more than five minutes. The lines would be so long as we all waiting for that one sip from the water fountain. As of now, every kid will have a water bottle they have brought from home or bought from school. Not many kids feel the need to drink from the fountain simply because their mother already packed a bottle in their backpacks. Castillo mentions “Tap water goes through a purification process to make it drinkable and healthy”. (Castillo et. al 193). So now, instead of drinking practically free clean H2O from a fountain, you’re paying for chemically infested …show more content…

Most bottled waters come from factory, where the waters is treated, packaged into chemically produced bottles, and then sold to us. Millions of people are amazed to the fact that they’re drinking water combined with chemicals. Tap water and bottled water are essentially the same water. Despite in some areas tap water may be polluted depending on the area in which you live. Although you may think bottled water is more suitable for you to drink, you’re wrong. Castillo reports “Coca-Cola admits that Dasani is nothing but tap water”. (Castillo et. Al 192). The water in these chemically produced bottles is the same water coming from your kitchen sink. Ergo the water in your bottle, that is said to believe from the crystal clear waters, is in reality from the faucet. Why pay more for the water coming from your sink to be in a contaminated bottle, when you could have the water in a nice glass, in the comfort of your own

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