
Benefits Of Patients Following Discharge From An Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

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The purpose of this quantitative study is to trend the outcomes of patients following discharge from an inpatient rehabilitation facility. This follow-up assesses the effectiveness of rehabilitations services and whether patients maintain or continue to gain function post discharge. 19. What quantitative research design is used? This non-experimental research uses descriptive statistical analysis, paired t-tests, and analysis of variance to examine the study variables. 20. Is the type of design used appropriate? The non-experimental design is appropriate for this study, as the researcher is exploring the relationship between inpatient rehabilitation and patient function post discharge. 21. Who is the population? The research examines the outcomes of patients, that consent to participate in the study, discharge from an urban inpatient rehabilitation facility in the southern central region of the United States. 22. Why was this population chosen? The study’s purpose guides the study population. As the research evaluates the effectiveness of inpatient rehabilitation services, the participants must have received the services. 23. Are the concepts of control consistent with the type of research design chosen? The concepts of control are consistent with this kind of research, as the researcher does not incorporate randomization into the study, nor does she manipulate the independent variables. 24. Does the design used seem to reflect consideration of feasibility

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