
Beh 225 Week 9 Powerpoint

Satisfactory Essays

The speaker’s delivery was good, they were so nice and socialized. They were all standing and walking around the class room when they were giving the speech, they were asking audience questions, discussions and everybody contributed in the class room, they speakers were not loud, their voice was good for audiences, they were speaking slowly so that everybody can understand, they used their hands to explain things and also read PowerPoint to audience, Yes speakers were natural, at ease, direct and communicative which make the speech interesting and understandable to audience. Speakers were organized and they were not using terms that audience may not understand and they were not just repeating one thing. Speech was really going smoothly. Yes there was introduction, which is how everybody generally has their own primary love languages for receiving love and giving love, Body was to known the love languages such as words of Affirmation, Quality time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of service and Physical touch and conclusion was knowing the love languages is powerful, but knowing how they work in your relationships that is the game changer. …show more content…

Yes they did by giving handouts to audience that was in a quiz form to circle answers they think that are meaningful to them in their relationship. The summary of the speech was that is very important for couples or people who are dating or in relationships to know each partner love languages, what they love and what they do not love and by that way, their relationships is going to be stronger. However, the speakers also said relationships are about communication, communication, communication! And also about how you most frequently give love and prefer to receive

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