
Are False Memories Real

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Recall a time in your life, are you certain it happened, or do you think it happened because someone told you the story so many times that it became a part of your past memories. We rely on are memories to be true and complete but the truth is that what we may remember is not actually real. Memories are processed in are brains by encoding; making codes about what a specific object is, for example a dachshund has a long body with short legs, we encode this in are memories as the breed dachshund. After we encode this memory, we store it, and then we can retrieve the memory at a later time. For the brain to do the process of recording memories the brain must have the connections of the billions of neurons that the brain holds, it’s like a train, …show more content…

If we can create false memories for other people and ourselves, this could cause potential problems in therapy sessions, in which the therapist and patient think they are bringing to light a painful situation that happened in the past but it could actually be a false memory. False memories could also have a potential impact on eyewitness accounts. Dale, Loftus, and Rathbun (1978) conducted an experiment to hypothesis that witnesses would give false information when asked questions. In one experiment they had a person stand before the class of students and proceeded to talk to the students. The person was wearing a hat but while talking to the students never once held his hat or took it off. After this person left the class, the teacher asked the students to recall if the person’s left or right hand was holding the hat. Out of the 20 children questioned, 17 students said the teacher held it in his right hand, 7 in the left, and of all these children only 3 said he was wearing it the whole time. This experiment could suggest that there is only a small number of people that are reliable sources and that children could very easily be susceptible of false memories more so than adults. Through research and further testing, we may find better ways for eye witness accounts, sexual abuse cases, and help therapists find better ways to help their patients recall traumatic

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