
Antonio Damasio

Decent Essays

As previously mentioned, one of the most fundamental aspects of determining a desired goal with the best statistical probabilities of success includes approaching the process in a truly objective fashion. Generally speaking though, personal bias or its influence tends to become interjected as a natural occurrence in human processes even where its prevention remains a high priority. That would also seem to indicate that emotions strongly warrant omission in the decision-making process and there is significant literary support for that line of thinking. However, the technical literature demonstrates considerable contradictions worthy of at least a modicum of discussion here and perhaps some clarification to boot. Antonio Damasio, a world renowned …show more content…

This is also why introspection, the process by which honest self-examination transpires, can become unpleasant as it requires one to face the music while casting aside unrealistic propositions moving forward. Just as one may be interested in attending college, it would be completely unreasonable to achieve an athletic scholarship at the eleventh hour having never participated in sports let alone excel at …show more content…

Long-term goal development should never become a speculative effort or it virtually guarantees a path of devoured time and escalating opportunity costs. Not usually known for their notoriety, Don Strock of the Miami Dolphins may be peerless as a perennial backup up for two Hall Of Fame quarterbacks over a fourteen year period. Strock eventually left Miami under contract dispute, eventually signing with the Cleveland Browns for a final full season as a player, and likely premature end for continuing his role with the Dolphins. Just because a specific objective becomes coveted doesn’t necessarily warrant setting sail for that destination, especially if one stands to lose something in the process due to a lack of

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