
Analyzing The Poem 'Blackberries'

Decent Essays

The poem “Blackberries” is a deep and well thought out story of a man’s time in slavery. As you read the poem, there are obvious meanings the reader will pick up on right away, while there are also much deeper meaning to many of his words. The title suggests that blackberries play a significant role in the deeper meaning of the poem. When analyzing the text, it is easy to see the surface meaning saying that the author is simply picking the blackberries from the field. After a deeper evaluation, it is clear that he is referencing the hardships of his time as a slave. In the word blackberry, the root black can be used to show that he views the times are harsh or dark. Black is often used to show either sadness or nervousness, which can both …show more content…

He could have chosen any other object to write about, but he chose blackberries because it has a deep meaning that makes the reader truly think about what he or she is reading. After the reader is able to understand his true intentions behind the poem, they are able to genuinely reflect. When he says, “Although I could smell old lime-covered history, at ten I’d still hold out my hands & berries fell into them. Eating from one and filling a half gallon with the other, I ate the mythology & dreamt of pies & cobbler, almost.”, he is saying that as a child he had a rough time. Again the deeper meaning of blackberries is extremely prevalent because the darkness that is described by blackberries is shown when he imagines eating pie and cobbler because he was not permitted to consume delectable goods.In the middle of the poem, the author writes, “The mud frogs in rich blackness, hid from daylight.” to describe the life he lived. He being the black mud frog, hides during the day. During slave times he could not show his real self being because he would be prosecuted by the owners for not doing his job. Just like the frog, he makes his true appearance at night time. Slaves were given strict rules to follow and if they were not abided by they had a chance of being

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