
Analytical Essay Theme

Decent Essays

Vishal Sathish - 60% Outside Reading Project - Literary Analysis Essay Life is meant to face struggles and is judged by how well handling the situation is. Struggles are handled in various ways as though they can lead to a solution similarly as both selections, The Fault In Our Stars and A Real Case, use to convey the theme. Though John Green’s novel, The Fault In Our Stars, compares to Sara Holbrook’s poem, A Real Case, by similar themes of facing life’s struggles, they as well differ when it comes to the types of struggle. As hardships make up our life and content, Green’s novel and Holbrook’s poem relate to the essential idea of handling obstacles. In regards to the novel, it says, “I believe the universe wants to be is temporary? ( Chapter 14, Third Page Using the E-book site.) ” As each part of the world carries a story, there are different lives with different stories making each life responsible. As they only know about themselves more briefly than anyone else, struggles are to be overcome no matter how big by themselves. In similarity, the poem states, “TODAY, it struck like a thwop of mashed potatoes snapped on a plate ( Lines 6 -8 ).”This states upon how the day did not go her way as she had expected and came up to be unexpected. Together, both the selections emphasize that the morale of struggles to be a part …show more content…

“ I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up...there’s no try… there is only do ( Chapter 13, Last Page using the e-book.).” As they encounter their life with a disease, they must face a universal problem as cancer is in within them to live their life. “ You say you’re not special...I know about you ( Chapter 17, Last Page ) .” This is explaining how stress is applied in their mind as they encounter their lives at stake. That is a universal struggle that is explained in this novel, The Fault In Our

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