
Analysis Of The Movie ' The Hunger Games '

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In District 12 of Panem, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen is walking to meet her friend, Gale, a boy she seems to like, in the woods so they can do some hunting for food. As she’s walking, she thinks about her mother and her younger sister, Prim, who is 12 years old. They have depended on Katniss for food ever since their father died in a mine explosion when Katniss was 11. It’s the day of the reaping, which is very stressful because it determines which boy and girl, ages 12 to 18, will serve as the district’s tributes in the Hunger Games. Each of the 12 districts must draw two tributes, and those tributes are sent to an arena where they fight to the death until only one tribute remains alive. The victor’s district is given gifts, mainly food, and the victor returns home. The Capitol of Panem puts on the Games to remind and punish the 12 districts of the Dark Days, which was when the 13th district was destroyed for attempting to rise up against the cruel and merciless Capitol. The reaping begins and Prim’s name is drawn. Katniss freaks out and volunteers to take her place, making her District 12’s girl tribute. The boy tribute’s name is drawn and it’s Peeta Mellark, who is the baker’s son and the same age at Katniss. Katniss remembers, when they were children, Peeta saw her starving outside in the rain and gave her a burnt piece of bread that his mother had told him to feed to their pigs. Katniss wonders how is she supposed to kill him in the Games after he was so

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