
Analysis Of The Movie ' Big Sleep '

Decent Essays

No other film was as controlled in its production as The Big Sleep. Every aspect of the film is so precise, that the filmmakers left nothing to chance. Every set was built inside, with the exception of a few exterior shots. The Big Sleep is a very visually interesting film that uses quick and precise cutting, harsh lighting, and wonderfully framed shots. The editing in The Big Sleep is extremely quick and precise, yet it is perfectly seamless. The cuts do not call any attention to themselves at all. These types of cuts are present in almost ever scene, but for example, the scene when Marlowe (Humphrey Bogart) is looking through the house and finds the hidden camera uses a very specific editing style. The editor uses a wider of the …show more content…

Most of the actors are wearing darker clothing as well which makes their faces stand out even more. This lighting style also adds to the tension and the mystery of the scene. It makes the audience on edge. The contrast filled lighting of film noir is also effective at bringing out the extremes of emotions and thought. The darkness of the genre makes anything that goes wrong seem less taboo, because the lighting of the genre sets up the norms for the world that the film lives in—and in that world, bad things happen. The lighting of the film helps the audience understand the world that the characters are in. Every aspect of The Big Sleep was taken even further with perhaps Alfred Hitchcock’s best film, Psycho. One of the most interesting elements of this film is how the main character and plot completely changes halfway through the film. For the first part of the film, the audience follows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh). Marion is in love with Sam Loomis (John Gavin) and decides to skip town after she steals $40,000 dollars from the company she works for. She eventually arrives at the Bates Motel where she meets Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), who runs the motel for his mother. In a twist of events, Marion is killed in a dramatic shower scene, after which the story completely shifts to follow the investigation of Marion’s disappearance, as well as the mystery of Norman and his mother. This is a very experimental way of structuring a film, but worked

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