
Analysis Of Robert Joyner 's ' The Great Gatsby '

Decent Essays

1. Put a quote here from the book along with the page number. Be sure that the quote is something significant to the story’s meaning or gives a unique insight.
“Maybe all the strings inside him broke.” 1. Your thoughts as well as analysis as to what the quote means and why you chose it.
Margo believed that this was the reason why Robert Joyner committed suicide after she investigated. The strings that Margo had referred to have a metaphorical meaning. They represent a person’s relationships and mental health. A person’s strings are very meaningful because they sustain a person 's will to live and keep them grounded to the world. But when you use this metaphor, you are imagining a world that is irreparably broken. Anything that causes …show more content…

She believed nobody would like her true personality because of her flaws, which is why she cultivated her paper identity. Even Quentin fell for her fake personality, helping her cultivate it without him knowing it. Margo struggled to see meaning and value in everything because her paper identity was preventing her from doing so. Quentin believed Margo was describing her own opinion of Orlando and its people when she was actually describing how she felt about herself. I too, hadn 't noticed that Margo was talking about herself at first, which is why I chose to use it.
3. “It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.” 3. This quote shows how Quentin has changed throughout the story due to his experiences. If he hadn’t chased after Margo, he probably would have paid no attention to the lady driving alongside them on the road trip. But now, Quentin sees how individual each person is, living a life just as complex as his. When playing “That Guy is Gigolo”, Q can only make out certain details of the woman because of the tinted window of her car. The window reveals that you can see a person, but not truly comprehend and fully understand them. To me, the game itself shows how most people do not think about others ' being at the center of their own lives. I used this quote because Quentin begins to question whether a person can fully become another, which is

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