
Analysis Of It's His Fault By Amanda Gray

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It’s Never Your Fault “It’s His Fault” by Amanda Gray, published in February of 2009, is a speech-like poem, complex and intriguing, in which the author tries to comfort you in a time of heartbreak through reciting her own experiences and how she came to cope with the fact that her husband was a cheater. She continuously encourages the reader to move on and tells them how much more they deserve then their unfaithful S.O. When you first skim through the poem, realistically, it sounds like a motherly figure talking to a daughter about how to overcome an obstacle, but near the end of the poem, in the last three stanza, we see something a little more abstract that still heavily relates to the poem’s content. Throughout the poem, the poet seems to be asking the reader a bountiful amount of questions that suggest they (the reader) are better then them (the cheater), but the last three stanza flat out tell the reader how to cope with a heartbreak, painful as it may be. It is a pleasing reminder that the heart can be mended with time and rest, and you should not blame yourself for an action that an unfaithful person performed. It is up to us alone to realize that, and all good will come in time.

Perry 2 The poem is an exquisite blend of 3 emotions, both equally notable; caring, uplifting, yet subtly unpleasant. The poem begins with a small heading note that explains she’d written this from past, personal experience. This adds a layer of sadness to the poem when we see

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