
Analysis Of Hu By Jonathan D Spence

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The question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a book on the Chinese and European connection during the early 1700s. The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-François Foucquet. John Hu is a Chinese man that is literate but not educated. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. Jean-François Foucquet is a French Jesuit, who was appointed to China and spread Catholicism in the Far East, but also to gain knowledge on the writing and ideas of the Chinese culture. During his mission, Fouquet is called back to France and he is eager to return. Over twenty-five years Fouquet has been in China, he has gathered many books to study once he returns to Europe. Many of these texts need to be transcribed …show more content…

On Port Louis, Hu saw a man tethered a horse and Hu decided to take the horse. Hu stole the horse and rode around town, even though he never rode a horse before. Once he was caught his excuse was; if left unused may someone else not use it (Spence 51). By stealing the horse it shows Hu with childish behavior of taking something he wants even if it does not belong to him. The people of Port Louis started to call Hu “Don Quixote” (Spence 51). Don Quixote was a fictional character who was crazy and went in adventure, fighting windmills, and believing he was a knight. This points out that Hu is a madman, the common people of the town are comparing him to a fictional character that was crazy. Fouquet was to set out of Port Louis and told Hu they were leaving. Hu starts to say he will not go and would rather go on foot and be a beggar (Spence 55). The sanity of Hu can be question; he would rather act as a homeless man than get to his destination on coach. Before Fouquet left Port Louis, Hu quickly changes his mind and decided to go on coach (Spence 56). Hu’s abrupt mood swing can be interpreted as a bi polar …show more content…

He had many odd ways of doing things people did not understand he was a forgetful person and sometimes aggressive. Hu would change his mind constantly about simple things that were not difficult. Since Hu was more of a burden to Fouquet and he constantly interfere with plans, Fouquet put him in an asylum thinking it might help him regain sanity but even after Hu’s release he was still a mad man. For being a mad man Hu was put in

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