
Analysis Of Bella English Article With Promposal

Decent Essays

A paper on promposals 1. In Bella English’ article With “promposals”, excess is a competition there are given several point of views upon promposals. In the article it is explained how promposals are, more and more, becoming part of the school culture, however the very popular promposal is also seen as a disturbing element towards class and towards public surroundings. Some even claim that there is a competition about who can present the most creative promposal. Emanuella writes in her article, “Promposal” pressure is intense for teens, that promposals put a certain amount of pressure on the young people. This pressure causes insecurity amongst the teens, who desperately strives for a yes. Whilst some promposals are presented with the traditional purpose as the ulterior motive, others are presented solely for the attention that comes with it. Taylor Trudon tells about how she disagrees with …show more content…

The ones whose opinions consist of detestation towards the promposals. According to them promposals increase the risk of being publicly humiliated. They consider it emotional blackmailing due to all the girls who feel forced to say yes. Although Taylor Trudon does agree that some promposals are very exaggerated she still thinks that they are something which should be encouraged. She finds them charming and romantic and she even claims that they contribute in boosting the teens’ confidence. 2. Taylor Trudon writes with a positive tone in her article. She uses strong words, “I love them in the exact same way I love Chipotle burritos…” (p. 6 ll. 24-25). The fact that she uses “love” instead of “like” intensifies the message that she is fond of the promposal. Furthermore she creates a comparison between her love for burritos and her love for promposals. Promposals mostly address to teens while burritos address to everybody. The

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