
Analysing the Gospel of Mark Essay examples

Satisfactory Essays

In this paper, I am writing about the Gospel of Mark. The Gospel of Mark is the shortest Gospel, but is a really cool one. It covers a lot of key events that happened during Jesus’ lifetime. After reading the chapters, we pointed out things that stood out to us, which we thought were strange or interesting. We also pointed out spiritual lessons that taught us about our faith. We also wrote down questions that we had about the material. After reading Mark, chapters one through five, several things stood out to me. First, when Jesus heals the paralytic that is lowered from the roof in Mk. 2:11, the healed man doesn’t even thank Jesus! He just walked out of the building and back to his house. This stood out to me because most of the time, …show more content…

One question that I had after reading this section was: how did John the Baptist know that God would be so much mightier than him? How did he recognize Jesus? After reading Mk. 6-11, several things stood out to me. First, in Mk. 6: 50, when Jesus walks on water, the disciples are incredibly frightened. They think he is an evil specter. This stood out to me because the disciples trusted Jesus with their lives, but when he does something like that, which is beyond their understanding, they freak out. You would think that with the things that the disciples had seen Jesus do, that this wouldn’t really surprise them. Second, in Mk. 7:1-9 Jesus thought that the Commandments were more important than tradition, but the Pharisees didn’t. This stood out to me because the Pharisees were supposed to be religious leaders, but in some cases, seemed to disregard the Commandments in difference to their traditions. This mainly seemed to come into play with divorce and its rules. Third, in Mk. 10:2-8 Jesus taught that a husband and wife became one flesh. This stood out to me because I know that a husband and wife are supposed to be close, but Jesus teaches that they should become one. This has to be awfully hard to achieve because I know that sometimes a husband and wife have disagreements. The lesson that I learned in these chapters is that Jesus said, “Whatever goes into a man from outside can’t defile him, what comes out of the man defiles him.” This shows

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