
Alzheimer's Outcome Goal

Better Essays

At Rosener House, our group focused on the outcome goals for improving the quality of care for Alzheimer’s participants, which includes the objectives and initiatives that Healthy People 2020 has laid out for the elderly population. Our target population has cognitive and some physical impairments that may lead to frustration, agitation, and antisocial behavior. The participants have the same health concerns as the rest of the elderly population with additional complications of dementia. The key for this group of adult day care residents is to involve their primary caregivers in all of the education sessions, monitoring, and lifestyle changes.
Our outcome goal is also for the residents and their primary caregivers to have a good understanding …show more content…

There is a limited number of family members and medical staff for the growing Alzheimer’s population. An important goal that we have included in our Outcome Goals is to identify, educate and increase the number of volunteers at facilities such as the Rosener House. This will increase the positive human contact for these residents and increase the time the medical staff has to address specific health needs of the elderly Alzheimer’s residents.
Health Program Proposal
According to the Healthy People 2020 objectives, dementia can negatively impact a person's ability to perform their daily tasks without the help and supervision of a qualified caregiver. Based on these objectives, the health program proposal includes:
1. Manage medications and medical problems: We observed at Rosener House that the nurse will administer the participants’ medications as prescribed by their personal physician. Once the participant leaves Rosener House by the assigned transportation provider, the caregiver and family members are responsible for the particpants’ medications. In cases where the participant is not in advanced stages of the disease and are deemed capable of taking their own medication, they will manage their own medications. We have been helping the nurse with medications …show more content…

Communication with the residents takes time to master because some are verbal while others communicate by writing, and for several participants, by their facial expressions when you talk with them. The more time they can spend one-on-one with the staff and volunteers, the more inclusive they feel as part of the program.
People that use walkers need constant reminders on how to use them more effectively and safely. The student nurses changed out all of the tennis balls on the walkers to allow the walkers to glide more smoothly. We also taught the participant using the walker to gain better balance to prevent falls, because they are leaning too far forward when they walk. Even though there is a good fall prevention program in place at Rosener House, falls happen too often for various reasons. The nurse told us that they did not have any incidents of participants falling during the time we were present. This may be antidotal, but we feel we did make a positive difference among this group of people and they have certainly made a positive impact on our lives as

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